Returns policy

If you are not satisfied with the quality of the product, you have 15 days to return it from the day you receive the product. In order to receive a full reimbursement, please follow these instructions:

  • Make sure the product is in perfect condition.
  • Pack the product in its original packaging, otherwise a packaging fee will be charged. If using your own packaging, it is critical that it protects the product effectively, as it is your responsibility if the product is damaged during transportation.
  • Make sure not to miss any parts or accessories that were in the original packaging.
  • Request a return by mail: [email protected]
  • Once the package has been inspected, we will contact you if the refund has been accepted.
  • You will receive the refund within five working days after inspection.

* Charges will apply if it is necessary to recondition the product as new, including the packaging. If any charges apply, we will deduct them from the total amount of the refund.

* We reserve the right to refuse a refund if the product has been damaged.