How can I reset (configure and calibrate) my Z3 indicator?

Configuration of Z3 Indicator

  1. Press and hold the M/BG button for 2 seconds to open the menu. Press the down arrow until you see the SCALE option.
  2. Read the maximum capacity of your scale + the resolution (info written on the white label / indicator → 600 kg / 100 g)
  3. Find the parameters of your scale in the list below and adopt the settings unit, max, div(ersion), dec(imal point):

Calibration of the Z3 Indicator

  1. Look for an object with a known weight that weighs at least one-third of the maximum capacity weight of your scale and no more than the maximum capacity. The scale will prompt you to enter this value after the zero calibration.

2. The zero calibration begins when you press the ENTER key (yellow key) after reading Cal-ib. At this moment, there should be no object on the platform. Cal-0 flashes on the display.

When this process is finished, the display asks you to enter the weight of your reference weight: 0 0 0 0 0

3. Enter the reference weight (the object must be placed in the middle of your platform) and confirm with a double click on ENTER.

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